Webinar Investment 101 to start your career in Investment/Capital Market.

Kategori : Webinar

Author : staff kpm

Pembicara : Novi Imelda (Chief of Investment at Prudential Indonesia) dan Erik Susanto – Head of Investments Specialist Portofolio Manager at Eastspring Investments Indonesia

Hari/Tanggal :Kamis/12 November 2020,
Jam : 13.30 – 16.00
Webinar media : Zoom + Youtube Streaming (link akan diberikan melalui email atau di webs

Peserta: Mahasiswa S1 dan S2 Prodi Matematika/Aktuaria (prioritas), Umum (menyesuaikan dengan kapasitas pasilitas Zoom yang kami miliki)

Theme Description: We would like to convey the material related to Investment101 / Best Practices in insurance industry especially in Prudential. The specific angle of the presentation itself still can be discussed soon. We do really hope our presentation can give the eye-opening experience for the students and the wider participants.

Points of the Material

  1. Day to day basis and scope of Investment best practice in Prudential
  2. How Investment in Prudential contributes to company’s business as a whole and to wider society
  3. Explanation about career prospect in Capital Market/Investment for Math & Actuarial students not limited to insurance company but to wider industry.
  4. Explanation about what skills to build and what certifications that the student can take to prepare the themselves in entering job market related to capital market/ investment.
  5. We will show the organization structure of investment in Prudential Indonesia and Eastspring so the student can picture how’s the profession look like.

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